Saturday, 29 July 2023

school internship week 7

 “Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.“ 

– Malcolm Forbes

#july 24,2023

duty - morning line duty, evening floor duty

class in 9B - osmosis and active transport, in and out of large intestine

additional duty - helped parents to reach auditorium for PTA meeting and went for short film shooting


#july 25 ,2023

duty - morning line duty

class in 9B - gave questionnaire to fill as part of my project

Then took class on overview on digestive system.

#july 26 ,2023

duty - morning line duty

class in 9B - healthy diet

#july 29 ,2023

Took  class on structure  of heart.

conducted a quiz competition and still model making competition. many students participated. 

Friday, 21 July 2023

school internship week 6

 “The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows” – Sydney J. Harris

#july 19,2023

duty - exam duty in IX D and evening duty

went for peer observation

#july 20,2023

Went for peer observation

class in 9B - End products of digestion

went for IVANO QUIZ arrangements in auditorium

#july 21,2023

We student teachers were divided for house division for sports day as Red , Blue , Green and Yellow. 

class in 9B - Structure of villus. Ancy teacher came for observation. 

afternoon went for IVANO quiz for correction. from 30 groups of different schools , 5 competed in final round.

Friday, 14 July 2023

school internship week - 5

“Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself” – Chinese Proverb

 #July 10,2023

Shiney teacher came for second observation in IX B

topic - Food inside stomach

teacher remarked as good

duty - morning floor duty

 #July 11,2023

topic - Food in small intestine , ICT oriented and activity based

duty - morning  ground floor duty

 #July 12,2023

topic - Liver and pancreas

duty - morning  and evening ground floor duty , exam duty in 10 A

 #July 13,2023

duty - morning ground floor duty , exam duty in 10 E

gave notes in IX B

 #July 14,2023

duty - morning ground floor duty ,exam duty in 9A and evening line duty

Took revision class in IX B

Friday, 7 July 2023

Digital textbook

Link of the digital textbook I prepared


School internship week - 4

  “You learn something every day if you pay attention.” 

– Ray LeBlond 

#july 4,2023

Class 9 B - on Nutrients and made them do Nutrient chart

went for peer observation

duty - floor duty

#july 5,2023

duty - line and floor duty

class  9 B -  on teeth  using models

#july 6,2023

duty - Ground Floor duty , afternoon floor duty

class - 9 B - Saliva and Salivary Glands

#july 7,2023

duty - Ground Floor duty , afternoon floor duty

class - 9 B - Mode of swallowing food

Attended a kitty show conducted by Lions club on drug abuse and mobile addiction

Saturday, 1 July 2023

School Internship week - 3

Dreams are soul's book writing about you

#june 26,2023

duty - morning floor duty

class in 9 B - gave notes , completed the first chapter

Co-curricular activity

A short film ADISTHANAM was shown  followed by a talk by Joju sir on Antidrugs day. Concluded class by an Anti drug pledge.

#june 27,2023

duty - morning line duty , substitution classes.

co- curricular activity - assist and guide 9 B students for doing short film.

#june 30,2023

morning duty near badam tree

co- curricular activity - assist and guide 9 B students for doing short film.

Shiney teacher came for observation 

class was on human digestive system with models.

#july 1,2023

duty - ground floor


Cognitive map