This day was for us, National Science optional, to conduct the assembly. We prepared and conducted the assembly so that all our friends could come forward and present. The assembly started with the college anthem, prayer, and pledge. For the news, we included international, national, local, university, and college. Other programs were thought for the day, importance of week and the day.
This day is celebrated as National Youth Day.
We presented 3 books to our college library. Message note was delivered by Gibi ma'am and through that she told us to 'Live in the moment' and be like a phoenix bird.
We missed many of our teachers including our principal sir due to illness. The assembly dispersed with National Anthem and we took photos with teachers.
During optional hour ma'am congratulated each and every student of the class for the assembly. Then she taught us about Learning and Teaching and their interdependence.
After this class, the next sessions were led by M.Ed interns. Shabana ma'am took 'Role of education in Society' , Dona ma'am on intelligence tests.
Afternoon session , we came to know that some of our friends and teachers had tested positive and so as to break this spreading chain the classes were shifted to online till the next Wednesday.
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